Monday, August 2, 2010

Post 101.

Posting some recent ... ish ... drawings.

Up first is a 2pg intro to DARING ADVENTURES STARRING CAPTAIN DAVID DARE done for fun. Not trying to be precious about anything in it. It's an old character for a concept I came up with almost 6-7 years ago. An homage to old EC-style sci-fi comics, and b/w serials like Buck Rogers. A HORRIBLY drawn short story featuring the character, written by Nathan Patton and inked by Jeffery Lejeune (whose inks really made it look better) was printed in THE HUNGER #5. I suggest you don't bin dive for it.

Second is a one-pg comic I WAS going to submit to The Daily Crosshatch's Guest Strip but thought it was too angry.

Last, a daily jounral comic I drew on some of that pre-printed funnies strip format bristol board. I usually don't like using the stuff because it's too waxxy, and when you erase the pencils the ink sometimes fades off. Or it doesn't dry as well because of said wax. But, I got 5 of them for free and didn't want to waste it.

1 comment:

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